Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to the Course

    2. What is Intrapreneuership?

    3. How to use this course

    4. Before we begin...some questions

    1. Mission, Values, Vision

    2. Your Personal Mission

    3. Personal Mission Statement Draft

    4. Your Core Values

    5. Core Values Draft

    6. Your Vision Statement

    7. Vision Statement Draft

    8. Alignment Practice

    9. Success Statements

    1. Success Statements for Growth Mindset

    2. Understanding Growth Mindset Part One

    3. Understanding Growth Mindset Part Two

    4. Carol Dweck Introduction

    5. Carol Dweck "The Power of Believing That You Can Improve"

    6. Compound Interest Part One

    7. Compound Interest Part Two

    8. Compound Interest Part Three

    9. Compound Interest Part Four

    10. Compound Interest Part Five

    11. Opportunity Cost

    12. Personal Growth Plan

    13. Create a Personal Growth Plan

    14. Personal Growth Plan Template

    15. Create your own personal growth plan

    16. Growth Toward a Balanced Life

    17. Growth Mindset Conclusion

    18. Growth Mindset Success Statements Revisited

    19. Growth Mindset Call to Action

    1. Success Statements for Grit

    2. Rudy Story

    3. Introduction to Grit

    4. Grit Defined

    5. Effort Vs. Talent

    6. Where are you on the Grit Scale?

    7. Goal Hierarchy

    8. Goal Hierarchy Explained

    9. Long Term Goals

    10. Four Disciplines of Execution

    11. Grit and Why

    12. Golden Circle Picture

    13. Hard Thing Rule

    14. Conclusion Grit

    15. Grit Success Statements Revisited

    16. Grit Call to Action

    1. Success Statements for Redefining Failure

    2. Redefining Failure One

    3. Redefining Failure Two

    4. Redefining Failure Three

    5. Redefining Failure Four

    6. Redefining Failure Five

    7. Redefining Failure Success Statements Revisited

    8. Redefining Failure Call to Action

    1. Success Statements for Opportunity Seeking

    2. Opportunity Seeking One

    3. Opportunity Seeking Two

    4. Opportunity Seeking Three

    5. Opportunity Seeking Four

    6. Opportunity Seeking Five

    7. Opportunity Seeking Six

    8. Opportunity Seeking Success Statements Revisited

    9. Opportunity Seeking Call to Action

About this course

  • $295.00
  • 69 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content